What is copywriting and how can it help your small business?

What is copywriting? Dicosver how a copywriter can help you attract more customers to your  business #smallbusinessmarketing #copywriting

Copywriting? What is it and why should you care?

A copywriter is a wordsmith you can employ to write your small business copy (aka the words you use in your marketing on your website, social media and more) for you when you haven't got the time, the inclination or the expertise to pull off your project with aplomb.

What can they do for you?

A good ghost writer will create wonderful words for your website, business communications, emails, blogs even books on your behalf.

They can create a tone of voice that lets your customers know it’s your brand talking to them each and every time they hear from you.

They can write compelling sales pages to help convert customers on your website and draft about pages that make your customers want to know more.

They can position you and your business as experts, as the brand to solve your customers problems and they can do it all with words.

Why are they worth it?

If you discover a good copywriter then hold on tightly, they’ll become a huge part of the success of your business.

As wordsmiths who get a buzz from writing, they will get to know your business before being able to succinctly sell it to your audience using words that work.

A good copywriter can clearly share your business offer with your audience making it easy for your customer to understand why they need to buy your product or service.

Imagine, you have the most wonderful product to sell and know it can solve so many people’s problems, but you can’t clearly explain what it does so people don’t take you up on it. Frustrating right? You know you can help these people if they only would listen.

A good copywriter can take your ideas and turn them in to clear messaging. Clear instructions your customer will understand, and crucially act upon. Converting words in to sales for your business.

How much will it cost?

Like most things you can pay as little or as much as you want for a good copywriter - their fees will depend largely on their experience and their expertise, so it’s worth shopping around to find one that works with your budget but more importantly, fits your needs.

You should expect to pay from over £25 an hour for a reasonable writer, but some in demand writers can charge thousands for their time. It’s worth holding out and spending a bit more on someone with experience who may be able to do your job faster and more effectively than someone cheap and inexperienced.

Where to find a good one?

If you’re looking for a copywriter to help you in your business I’d always ask for recommendations. And that doesn’t have to be from your friends or family. Think about your business network. Who has a website you love? Who’s handing out brochures with beautifully written words? Who has an instagram account with captivating captions? Keep your eyes open and you’ll soon spot excellent copy and ask for a contact.

I write copy for my small business clients and love being the woman behind their words. If after reading this you think I might be able to help your small business connect with your customers better then you can always book a chat with me here.

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